El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
Countdown To Election Day
May 3, 2025
0 d 0 h 0 m
El Paso County
Elections Department
Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator
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Voter Registration

To vote in Texas, you must be registered. Simply complete a Voter Registration Application (VRA), sign and mail the application at least 30 days before every election.

Please click on the link below for an English or Spanish postage-paid Voter Registration Application:

You may also request for a Voter Registration Application to be mailed to you:

We cannot accept completed applications via email but applications can be submitted via fax as long as the original application is received in our office within four calendar days of the date the fax is transmitted. Please fax your Voter Registration Application to (915)273-3574.

Voter Registration Applications are also available at any U.S. Post Office, the Department of Public Safety, El Paso Public Libraries, Texas Health and Human Services Commission offices and any local high school.

After you apply, a Voter Registration Certificate (your proof of registration) will be mailed to you within 30 days. Check your certificate to ensure the information is correct. If there is an error, make corrections and mail your certificate in an envelope to our office immediately.

A Voter Registration Certificate is your proof of registration with our county. On your registration certificate, you will see a precinct number. Your residence is located in a specific “precinct,” or area within the county. Remember, during the Early Voting period or on Election Day you can vote anywhere!

You will automatically receive a new certificate every two years; if you haven’t moved from the address at which you are registered.

See below for a 2024-2025 Voter Registration Certificate example:

You may request a duplicate Voter Registration Certificate by calling our office at (915)273-3597. Please provide your full name, address and Voter Unique Identifier (VUID) if available. Your duplicate certificate will be mailed to the mailing address on your voter registration record within 30 days.

Moved to a New Residence
It is your responsibility as a voter to inform our office if you have moved to a new residence. If our office received returned mail from you, your name will appear on our list of suspended voters. After being on that list for two years, you will be cancelled. Therefore, if you have moved or changed your mailing address, please choose from the following options to correct your information.

Online Name and Address Change
This service is offered to registered Texas voters who need to submit a name and/or address change electronically.

In Person
Our office is located at 500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite #314, El Paso, Texas 79901, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

By Mail Using Old Certificate
On the backside of your old certificate, sign your name and list your new address in the two blank spaces provided. Please be aware that all certificates are not pre-paid for you to mail back to us, if changes are made using your old certificate please provide your own envelope and U.S. Postal Service stamp.
Mail the old certificate to:
El Paso County Registrar of Voters
500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite #314
El Paso, Texas 79901

By Mail Without Old Certificate
Please print the Voter Registration Application, complete it, sign and date. Once you review the information, fold, seal, and mail to: El Paso County Registrar of Voters
500 E. San Antonio Ave., Suite #314
El Paso, Texas 79901

Students are provided with two options:

  • Register to vote in the county where their college/university is located.
  • Remain registered in the county they currently reside.

It is strictly up to the student where they choose to claim their residence, which elections they wish to participate in, and how they would like to vote.

Under the Texas Election Code, Section 16.0331, (a) A voter desiring to cancel their voter registration must submit to the registrar a written, signed request for the cancellation. A request may not be submitted by an agent.

You may also complete, print and mail an English or Spanish Request to Cancel Voter Registration:

Voter registration drives can be performed by either the El Paso County Elections Department or any Volunteer Deputy Registrar. To arrange for someone from the El Paso County Elections Department to attend your event and conduct a voter registration drive, please submit your request at least two weeks in advance to allow adequate time for scheduling and planning to:

Paulo Aguirre, Elections Generalist

Request must provide the following information:

Name of Organization
Name of Event
Address of Event
Room/Area of Event
Point of Contact (Name and Title)
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Event Date
Event Times

You can also complete the Request for Voter Registration Drive form, scan it and email it to P.Aguirre@epcounty.com.

What does the Texas Election Code say about registering students that turn 18 at your local high school? Section 13.046 of the Texas Election Code states:

a) Each Principal of a public or private high school or the Principal’s designee shall serve as a deputy registrar for the county in which the school is located.

b) In this code, “High School Deputy Registrar” means a deputy registrar serving under this section.

c) A High School Deputy Registrar may distribute registration applications to and receive registration applications submitted to the deputy in person from students and employees of the school only.

d) At least twice each school year, a High School Deputy Registrar shall distribute an officially prescribed registration application form to each student who is or will be 18 years of age or older during that year subject to rules prescribed by the Texas Secretary of State.

e) Each application form distributed under this section must be accompanied by a notice informing the student or employee that the application may be submitted in person or by mail to the Voter Registrar of the county in which the applicant resides or in person to a High School Deputy Registrar or Volunteer Deputy Registrar for delivery to the Voter Registrar of the county in which the applicant resides.

f) Except as provided by this subsection, Sections 13.039, 13.041, and 13.042 apply to the submission and delivery of Voter Registration Applications, and for that purpose, “Volunteer Deputy Registrar” in those sections includes a High School Deputy Registrar. A High School Deputy Registrar may review an application for completeness out of the applicant’s presence. A deputy may deliver a group of applications to the registrar by mail in an envelope or package, and for the purpose of determining compliance with the delivery deadline, an application delivered by mail is considered to be delivered at the time of its receipt by the registrar.

g) A High School Deputy Registrar commits an offense if the deputy fails to comply with Section 13.042. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor unless the deputy’s failure to comply is intentional, in which case the offense is a Class A misdemeanor.

h) The Texas Secretary of State shall prescribe any additional procedures necessary to implement this section.

Our office is here to help our local High School Principals meet their obligation to register eligible high school students in accordance with the Texas Election Code. Call us today to find out how we can help.